Statistics indicate that Christian addicts exist in roughly the same percentages as secular addicts. Christians are expected to lead cleaner lives than the average person does, but many people are surprised to learn that Christians struggle with addiction in the same ways that the rest of the world does. This means that Christianity as an institution has been largely ineffective in offering the type of transformation that it claims to provide. Many people, including this blogger, believe this is due to the institution of Christianity undermining the spirituality and relationship that Christ offers. Some of the most common addictions that Christians struggle with are as follows.
A certain amount of alcohol is negotiable in Christian culture because Jesus drank wine, but drugs are almost entirely universally frowned on in Christian culture. Abusing drugs, whether they are street drugs or prescription drugs, is illegal, and the bible is quoted to say that followers of Christ should obey the laws of the land. There is very little justification for drug use among Christians. Therefore, much like in the case of sex, many Christians become fascinated with the concept of drugs because they are a forbidden fruit. When they finally do try them and realize that they are fun, they become addicted to them.
Of all addictions, this one hits Christians hardest. It is not hard to understand why. Christian faith strongly encourages its followers to wait until marriage before having sex. Waiting until marriage is a very strong ethic of Christianity that is handed down from the highest of church leaders. However, despite the good intentions with this ethic, a large number of Christians go about trying to enforce it, in themselves and in others, very incorrectly, and end up turning this moral into a source of resentment, rebellion, secretiveness and repression. Sex is highly addictive to many people, Christian and secular, and for those Christians whose sexuality became repressed, sex addiction is a common road to walk down.