Monthly Archives: October 2020

The need for counseling in the church

The church is the gathering of people who believe and put their trust in God. However, the fact that they are spiritual beings does not understate their reality as humans. Hence, this means that they are susceptible to being addicted or having mental health problems.

One big mistake that the church has made is segregating and stigmatizing members of the church who are battling with addiction. This is a wrong act because addiction has the capability to sneak in on anyone without any prior warning.

As humans, we face various challenges in our lives which creates a channel for us to encounter addiction or mental health problems.

In other instances, if you are a believer and your family has a strong history of being addicted to drugs or alcohol, there is a tendency for you to be addicted if care is not taken.

Sadly in the church, issues such as addiction are avoided. And if they are broached, it is often from the standpoint of prejudice.

It is important for the church to change its approach to addiction, and start sensitizing the body of Christ about the ills and dangers of addiction, and how people can be helped.

The amazing part is, there are several health providers in the church who are well knowledgeable in the aspect of addiction. These individuals can provide free health consultation for people who are addicted in the church.

Moreso, they can give free counseling to members of the church on how to avoid addiction and maintain their mental health. Having these professionals in the church would come at little or no cost when they want to contribute their quota.

The church, just like any other organization, needs to be well-informed about important health issues like addiction and mental health problems. This is one of the ways to ensure that the society we live in is saner.

When the church is fully aware of addiction and mental health problems, the rate of the aforementioned health problems will be on the decline.

Why faith in God is needed to overcome addiction

One of the profound ways to overcome addiction is by trusting in God. However, a good number of people are not aware of this. God, being the creator of the universe, is all powerful and all knowing. And he expects that people would come to repentance through his son Jesus Christ.

In this life, we need God to scale through in all hurdles we face. Sadly, many people would prefer to seek solutions for themselves rather than trust in God. And with the way the world is structured, some people are able to help themselves by what is referred to as luck.

What they fail to realize is, luck in the broadest sense means Grace. Despite the fact that not everyone acknowledges God, he is so merciful and gracious to provide and protect everyone.

For addiction problem which is one of the biggest health challenges that plague people, having faith in God helps to plague the disease.

One of the reasons why this is difficult to fathom is because addiction is a sin. Now, when you are addicted, it takes you further away from God and hence, it leaves you on your own.

Having and expressing your faith in God shows that you trust him to take control of your life. Owing to the powerful nature of addiction, it leaves you in a helpless state where you feel no one can help you.

However, the case is not the same with God. He is ever available to help anyone who is weighed down by the shackles of addiction.

In trusting God to help you overcome addiction, it is imperative to seek his mercy and forgiveness. Next, you need to draw closer to God and see him as a father who is willing to help you and provide you with strength to pull through.

Also, you will need to take conscious steps by going to the rehab to seek help for addiction treatment. With this, you will get better each day, and with God’s Grace, you are renewed to the point where addiction has no power over you.