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The primary basis of a Christian rehab is hinged on the belief that spirituality and faith can aid an addict to recover from any form of addiction. At a Christian rehab, it is required that alongside receiving treatment, patients ask God to assist them in recovering from their addictions.

When it comes to addiction, it is usually difficult to make the decision to remain sober. There is a high level of grit, courage and determination which is needed. It is a tremendous task which might look insurmountable, but it is very possible.

For Christians, it is advised that you seek a rehabilitation center which gives faith-related services.

Below are the benefits of Christian rehab:

  1. Christocentric sober living format: Christocentric refers to Christ-centered, and this is what you get at a Christian rehab. At these homes, you will be provided with a safe environment which comes with a profound in-support system. In addition to this, residents would also have a devotion which would enable them have a life which is Christ-centered.
  • Faith-based support: A good number of rehab facilities usually have treatment services which helps to conquer addiction and mental health problems. An addiction recovery which is Christian-based is structured to enable you achieve spiritual growth, and also have a profound relationship with Christ.
  • Ample care: For people who need support in overcoming any form of addiction, or receiving any quality form of mental health treatment, they will certainly receive enough care at a Christian rehab. It is relieving to know that, at a Christian rehab, the risk of relapse is reduced, and your transition from rehab to the outside world is seamless. Receiving care at a Christian rehab, enables your recovery tools to be at par with what you learnt during treatment.
  • Christian mentors: An important phase of your life, is bridging the gap between addiction and recovery. Within this time, you will have access to Christian mentors who have the same beliefs, and they will serve as profound life coaches, which would be quintessential to your recovery and also aid your growth positively.

How Does Christ Factor Into Addiction?

addiction and ChristAddiction plagues church members in almost equal numbers as it does in the secular world. A reaction of shock and disgust is common when people learn the statistics on addiction within the Christian church. This means for every sex addict, alcoholic, drug addict and so on who is not a Christian, there are equal numbers of sex addicts, alcoholics, drug addicts and so on within the Christian population. People are shocked to learn this because becoming a Christian entails parting with things like addiction. One who surrenders his life to Christ should have no need for a false idol such as alcohol, drugs or sex. The question is, why is addiction thriving within the Christian church?

Christians become addicts because they have not allowed transformation to occur within themselves. Or perhaps they have put things on the altar that are of lesser importance to them but have refused to part with the things they cling to the tightest. The tighter we cling to our prized possessions, the more they get in the way of our relationship with God, which is why God does not want us to hesitate to put these things on the altar first. Christians are imperfect humans who prefer the path of least resistance just as much as the next guy, but for he who submits to Christ in the way that we are intended, the power they receive over their addiction will be limitless.

The answer is simple. A martial artist needs to learn to master their craft over a long period of time under the guidance of their teacher. The same is true for Christians. The growth of a person’s strength in Christ, their savior, is achieved over time. There is no set amount of time that this evolution takes place in. Every person’s journey is unique, and every person’s heart makes different choices. Christ intended for us to be ever striving to know him better and continuously moving closer to him over the course of our entire lives. However, many Christians do not grasp this concept, or if they do at some level, they shy away from it because they do not want their life to change as drastically as Christ wants their life to change. This is not unique to Christians. This is a trait deeply ingrained in humanity. We want to stick to what we know, we would prefer not to be challenged and we resent what or who rocks the boat.

The Clutches of Addiction in Christianity

addiction and ChristianityStatistics indicate that Christian addicts exist in roughly the same percentages as secular addicts. Christians are expected to lead cleaner lives than the average person does, but many people are surprised to learn that Christians struggle with addiction in the same ways that the rest of the world does. This means that Christianity as an institution has been largely ineffective in offering the type of transformation that it claims to provide. Many people, including this blogger, believe this is due to the institution of Christianity undermining the spirituality and relationship that Christ offers. Some of the most common addictions that Christians struggle with are as follows.

A certain amount of alcohol is negotiable in Christian culture because Jesus drank wine, but drugs are almost entirely universally frowned on in Christian culture. Abusing drugs, whether they are street drugs or prescription drugs, is illegal, and the bible is quoted to say that followers of Christ should obey the laws of the land. There is very little justification for drug use among Christians. Therefore, much like in the case of sex, many Christians become fascinated with the concept of drugs because they are a forbidden fruit. When they finally do try them and realize that they are fun, they become addicted to them.

Of all addictions, this one hits Christians hardest. It is not hard to understand why. Christian faith strongly encourages its followers to wait until marriage before having sex. Waiting until marriage is a very strong ethic of Christianity that is handed down from the highest of church leaders. However, despite the good intentions with this ethic, a large number of Christians go about trying to enforce it, in themselves and in others, very incorrectly, and end up turning this moral into a source of resentment, rebellion, secretiveness and repression. Sex is highly addictive to many people, Christian and secular, and for those Christians whose sexuality became repressed, sex addiction is a common road to walk down.

Consider Christian Rehabilitation for Your Addiction Recovery

christian rehabAt a Christian drug and alcohol treatment facility, you will not find merely Christian teachings and lessons on creating a relationship with God, nor will you find merely a mental health recovery program, but rather a combination of the two. It is common to find a touch of religion and a touch of secularism woven into the treatment program, which statistically works very well for people with any religious sensibility. The Christian rehab’s history of success would indicate that a Christian rehabilitation program is not just for Christians, but people from every demographic.

Apart from the usual recovery steps taken in most inpatient treatment facilities – including detoxification, counselling and after care services – also incorporated into the recovery plan is an introduction to Christian practices, and discussion of forming a relationship with God through prayer and reading the bible. Though these aspects are geared toward people who already embrace the Christian faith, they have been found to be very useful to many non-Christians as well.

However, not all Christian addiction treatment facilities are the same. Some will be less forward with their approach, only exposing patients to the Christian faith when they express an interest in it. Others will be more likely to try to convert their patients to the Christian faith. Some will be properly accredited by the jurisdiction they are located within and some will not. It is essential to thoroughly research any addiction treatment facility in order to gauge its credibility.

If you are requiring the services of Christian addiction specialists and you want to begin your path to recovery, do not hesitate to reach out to established Christian rehabilitation centers. You do not need to be controlled by your addiction any longer!

Is Christian Rehab Effective?

christian rehab effectivenessA Christian drug and alcohol rehabilitation center is an addiction treatment facility that focuses on broken spirituality as the root cause of addiction. It is the philosophy of a Christian addiction treatment center to address addiction as a means of filling a void within the individual where God is supposed to be. Christian rehabilitation programs enable addicts to turn to God for fulfillment instead of an addictive substance.

Even within the secular counselling community, it is acknowledged that the success rate of Christian rehabilitation centers is substantial. This was first acknowledged within the mental health industry toward the beginning of the twentieth century. Even the present day AA organization is based on Christian principles.

And by those who do not embrace the Christian faith it is acknowledged that religious rehabilitation is effective. A vast majority of people living in the U.S. have responded to surveys stating their belief that spiritual recovery is the best way to treat addiction. It has also been revealed through studies that recovering addicts who choose faith-based treatment were more likely to maintain their sobriety than those who enrolled in a secular program.

If you are concerned that yourself or a loved one has become addicted to a substance and are in need of compassionate and professional help, don’t hesitate to begin the process of choosing the Christian rehabilitation center that best suits your needs and preferences.