Prayer is a potent weapon that believers can leverage to fight off addiction. This doesn’t mean that other addiction recovery options are not useful.
It simply suggests that prayer makes the path easier for the addict to get their life back on track and start living anew.
When it comes to addiction, many people believe that it can be stopped by mere willpower.
While this is true to an extent, there is still the prospect of the individual going back to their addiction even after a long time of staying sober.
This suggests that many people are yet to understand the place of prayer in keeping addiction at bay.
Prayer is two-way communication between God and man. This means that man speaks to God, makes his intent known, and vice-versa.

Man does this because he believes that God is all-powerful to take care of any situation surrounding his life. This also equates to the fact that addiction is a condition that God can equally handle.
There is no problem that is too difficult for God. He is the ultimate creator of everything that exists, moves, and breathes in the universe. Therefore, putting addiction out of the equation in someone’s life is way too simple for him to do.
The Bible talks about communicating our requests to God and trusting him to answer them because he is a loving father.
However, many Christians struggling with addiction do not put this to heart because they are feeling guilty.
God loves the sinner and not the sun. So, no matter how filthy you might be feeling, he is ever-ready to welcome you with open arms. This means that you should feel free to communicate your intents to God and he will answer them.
Trusting God to break free from addiction is one of the best choices that someone can make.
As they go through the addiction treatment process, his power strengthens you to follow through with the addiction process from start to finish.